mY bEsday

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

mY annivErSarY

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

aku MULA JATUH HATI kEpadamu,
sEtelah KAU KATA CINTA padaku,
maSing-maSing dulu PUNYA PASANGAN,
akhirnYa kita bErSama,
tEraSa ADA KIMIA di antara kita...
kau kucup pipiku,
kau biSikan cintamu,
kau kata“ baby I lOvE yOu”kau cairkan hati ku...
BAHAGIA, kurasa,
mEmandang bulan tErang,
mEnyakSi bintang-bintang,

iS thEre trulY a sOul matE ??
sOmEonE On whOm yOu can alwayS dEpend ??
sOmEonE whO bringS sunShinE intO yOur lifE...
mOrE than a lOvEr and alwayS a friEnd ??
whEn thEy hEar thEir vOicE and knOw that thEy’rE safE...
it'S thEn whEn a smilE lightS up yOur facE...
tO knOw truE lOvE, yOu want tO givE Of yOursElf...
thOughtS arE Of thEm and nO onE Else...
it mattErS nOt if the rOad tO happinESs iS a bumpY ridE...
aS lOng aS yOur sOul matE iS thEre bY yOur sidE...
yOu can handlE thE stOrmS fOr yOu sEe SunnY wEathEr...
lifE iS bEautiful whEn yOu arE tOgEthEr...
bOrrOw frOm tOmorrow’S Sun if thEre arE clOudS tOdaY...
pick flOwErs and savOur thEm, aS yOu paSs alOng thE waY...
if yOu find yOur sOul matE and yOu lOve thEm sO
nEver fOrgEt tO lEt thEm knOw...
lOvE with a fErvOur full Of firE...
LlE thEm knOw thEy arE yOur hEartS dEsirE...
and if thEy givE it all back tO yOu...
thEn yOu will knOw that theY lOve yOu truE...
pErhapS it waS fatE...

Friday, July 9, 2010

hOlla... lEts starting my nEw blOg wit stOwy obOut mysElf. thankS fOr cOmin intO my blOg. u can call mE mimiE... yOu can truSt mE cOz i'm a wEll balancEd girl. but what yOu dOn't knOw iS i'm highly ambitiOuS and actually quitE the ExtrOvErt. sO,yOu'rE in safE handS. althOugh, i'm a quiEt girl and may bE sEen aS cOnsEvativE+i'm kind Of a nErvOus pErsOn in gEnEral. what i can nEvEr undErStand iS, why pEOple wOuld alwayS criticizE thOsO whO takE ExtremEly goOd carE Of thEmselves anyway ? i might nOt bE thE wEalthiESt pErsOn in thE wOrld but if I rEally likE sOmEthing, i'm dEfinitEly gOing tO gEt it. lifE iS tOo shOrt tO wOrry abOut that kind Of stuff. whEn it cOmES tO thE gOals i'd likE tO achiEve. i will pursuE thEm rElentlESsly. thEre arE nO ObstaclES that i wOuldn't trY tO OvErcOme. nO riskS that i wOuldn't bE willing tO takE. i nOE i dOnt havE thE prEetiESt facE tO yOu lOok at, but what yOu dOnt knOw iS, i dO havE a biggEr hEart tO lOve yOu with. heee... thankS again for cOmin intO my blOg+bEcOmes my friEndS !!
